Episode 041 - The World Has Turned and Left Me Here Feat. Brian Ewing

Rachel is joined by artist Brian Ewing to talk about his experience working with Weezer and the peeps at The Walking Dead during Comic-Con 2013. The experience was also documented in the documentary, Making It. Get ready for lots of Weezer talk, random ramblings, song discussion, review, & ratings. Also, enter to win a rare set of four Weezer - Walking Dead poster prints!

Hosts & Content: Rachel & Brian Ewing

Audio Editing/ Mixing: Bryan Becker

Graphic Designer: Sue Anne K

Brian Ewing's Instagram @brianewing

Brian's Facebook & the Making It Documentary (Feat. Weezer!)

Brian's Websites: http://www.brianewing.com 

and Brian Ewing Bodega

And if you don't know, now you know... Walking Dead Prints!

Our stuff: We Are Weezer. Com, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, MERCH!

Email: weareweezerforever@gmail.com